From the Archive: Maria Doyle Kennedy Talks ‘Orphan Black,’ New Music, and Starting Her Own Label
**This article was originally Published on February 26, 2018 for Inspirer.life**
ou may be familiar with Maria Doyle Kennedy’s acting work in shows such as The Tudors and Orphan Black, or you may be familiar with her as a singersongwriter. Either way, no matter what creative endeavor Maria Doyle Kennedy attempts, it’s clear that she leaves a lasting impression. In August 2017 Orphan Black came to an end after five seasons and while fans had to say goodbye to the beloved, badass Mrs. S, we also got to say hello to a brand new album. Inspirer was lucky enough to talk to Maria about Orphan Black, the new album, and gathered a few words of wisdom for her “chickens.”
Orphan Black is unlike any other show that I have watched and Siobhan Sadler (S) quickly became one of my favorite television characters. What are your favorite qualities about S? What made you love that character?
I am sure you were expecting a reaction to the death of S, but were you expecting such a large reaction from the fans? Did you expect that character to be so loved when you started playing her?
Do you have a favorite scene from the series? Or a moment that really stands out to you?
Do you have more of a connection to music or acting? Is there one you simply couldn’t live without, or are they on the same level for you?
I feel like each of your albums have their own personality. How would you describe the personality of your new album?
Your first single from the new album, “Pride,” is beautiful and the cinema paradiso video is touching. Can you tell our readers about that song and how it came to be?
Looking back, was there a particular song or writer that piqued your interest in songwriting? Do you remember what your first song was about?
There are many, many singers and songwriters I admire and try to learn from but Billie Holiday was the first voice I remember hearing that absolutely floored me. This extraordinary sound of both exaltation and pain. There’s no one like her. To hear her sing “Strange Fruit”? #gameover. My own first attempt at writing came out of a really difficult time. I was as close to melting as I ever hope to come, but melody, and a piano, and New Orleans pulled me back.
Has a role/character ever led you to write a song?
Not a role or character but often a book. The album Mütter was entirely directed by Chuck Palahniuk’s “Diary”. And the song “Ladies of Bohane” on the new album was inspired by Kevin Barry’s magnificent tale “City of Bohane.”
What inspires you to write?
Do you have a song that you are most proud of?
I loved when you showed up in the Feist “Century” video. How did that come to be?
A mutual friend brought Leslie (Feist) to one of our shows in Toronto. We hung out afterward and a few more times in Toronto where we were both living at the time. A couple of months ago, she got in touch out of the blue and asked me if I felt like being in a crazy West Side Story/Thriller/experimental art film kind of video for her song “Century”. [It was] the kind of phone call that makes a day interesting. I love her and I love her music but I felt way outside my comfort zone with the choreographed dance gang stuff. My husband (and musical partner, Kieran Kennedy) said: “You’re scared of that, you HAVE to do it.” So off I went. The filming was one of the most fun days I’ve had. Challenging, and totally bonkers, but also hilarious and just so much fun.
You started your own label, Mermaid Records, with your husband. Why did you choose that name for your label?
I am sure you have quite a lot of freedom being on your own label. I can imagine there are also quite a few challenges. Can you talk about what some of those are?
Any advice for indie artists on how to manage it all?
You and your husband put on an amazing live show. Do you have any plans to do a small tour?
Yes! The U.S. in February/March.
What’s coming up next for you?
Giving birth to this album is entirely filling our lives right now.
Lastly, any words for the chickens out there?
**This article was originally Published on February 26, 2018 for Inspirer.life**